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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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Paul Terrell

'Crabtree Reliquary' Naked raku fired ceramics, Crab apple wood, by Paul Terrell

Bid here: (starting bid $300)

Crabtree Reliquary
Naked raku fired ceramics, Crab apple wood
25 x 19.5 x 7 inches
Retail Value: $600

Crabapple Reliquary by Paul Terrell combines Naked Raku fired ceramics with crabapple wood. The two wings were coated with terra sigillata followed by burnishing before the bisque firing. Two layers of glaze were poured onto the bisqueware and Raku fired to a glowing cherry red. The work is pulled from the kiln with tongs and placed in wood chips then reduced. Water poured over the still hot work causes the glaze to break away like broken eggshell revealing random line drawings in smoke. The two ceramic flanges were anchored to the crabapple as the connection for a symbolic relic.

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Page Last Updated On: 3/14/2020 12:33:23 PM