Past Outreach
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 October 24-27, 2019 See work by artspace artists at Current Art Fair in Booth 15Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Camp, 2401 W. Leigh St, Richmond VA 23220Artwork will be on display and ready for immediate purchase by artspace members including: Jere Kittle, Susanne K. Arnold, Alice Anne Ellis, Catherine D. Johnson, Judith Anderson, Santa Sergio De Haven, Steve Ferretti, Dana Frostick, Mary Anne Hensley, Lisa Lezell Levine, Jeffery Leving, Brigette Newberry, Ed Tepper, Paul Terrell, and Kathleen Westkaemper
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April 5 - June 5, 2019
artspace artist members at Richmond Public Library
Second Reception for the Artists at 101 E. Franklin St.
Friday, May 3, 2019
6:30-9:00 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Hallway, Marble Foyer, and Gellman Room
Work by artspace artists members in a variety of media
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artspace again hosted two Richmond area school exhibitions in January 2019 as part of its commitment to education and outreach.
Open High School AP Semester Show with Fashions by Mo Regulinski�s fashion class
Saturday, January 12, 2019
12:00 - 2:00 pm
with a fashion portion at the end
Free and Open to the Public
5th Annual Middle School Student Art Show
Featuring selected works from
Stonewall Jackson M.S./Hanover County Public Schools
and Brookland M.S./Henrico County Public Schools
Opening Reception
Friday, January 18, 2019
6:00 - 8:00 pm
with performance by New Edition
Free and Open to the Public
Work will remaind on display
Saturday, January 19, 2019
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Free and Open to the Public
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March 27 - April 23, 2018
The Gallery at The Montpelier Center
The Montpelier Center for Arts & Education, 17205 Mountain Road, Montpelier, VA 23192
Work by artspace artists inspired by Springtime
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April 21, 2018

RVA Earth Day Celebration
artspace opens its doors to the festival-going public with its exhibitions that complement and support the Earth Day message
Gallery visitors during the Earth Day Festival will enjoy music by keyboard artist, Tony Dursa!
Visit the Bluecoup booth at Richmond's 2018 Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 21 in Manchester. We encourage you to join our movement. Simply tie any streamer of blue to your flagpole, lamp post, or anywhere you can find a place to show your support for celebrating the human family.
artspace hosted two Richmond area school exhibitions in January 2018 as part of its commitment to education and outreach.
The 4th Annual Middle School Student Art Show
featuring selected works from
Stonewall Jackson M.S./ Hanover County Public Schools
and Brookland M.S./ Henrico County Public Schools.
January 2018
Open High School / City of Richmond Public Schools
AP Art Studio Classes Exhibition.
January 2018
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April 7 - May 3, 2017
Coming Together / Moving Apart
Hallway, Marble Foyer, and Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
Work by artspace artists with a focus on current events
artspace hosted two Richmond area school exhibitions in January 2017 as part of its commitment to education and outreach.
The 3rd Annual Middle School Student Art Show
featuring selected works from
Stonewall Jackson M.S./ Hanover County Public Schools
and Brookland M.S./ Henrico County Public Schools.
January 6-8, 2017
Open High School / City of Richmond Public Schools
AP Art Studio Classes Exhibition.
January 20, 2017
Photo: Zoe Shepard, AP Studio Student, Open High School
Saturday, November 19, 2016
hosted the International Suicide Survivor Day event for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The event capped an exhibition of works by John Terrell Oct. 28 - Nov. 20.
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Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 7-8:30 pm
artspace Outreach Exhibition Opening Reception
at Weinstein JCC, Sara D. November Gallery
5403 Monument Ave, Richmond, Virginia 23226
(804) 285-6500
September - October, 2015
presented by artspace and anne's Visual Art Studio Gallery
Celebrating the UCI Races in Richmond by creating commemorative spoke cards!
at anne's Visual Art Studio gallery
208 West Broad St., RVA 23220
(804) 644-1368
Three Dates, Free and Open to the Public
Saturday, September 12, 2015 - 2:00-4:00 pm
Friday, September 25, 2015, 6:00-8:00 pm
Saturday, October 10, 2015 - 2:00-4:00 pm
Project Sponsored by a Micro Grant from
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September 18 - October 18, 2015
in a collaboration with Richmond Young Writers
in the Plant Zero Project Space and Closing Reception for current Gallery Exhibitions
Project Space Hallway Galleries
Plant Zero Art Center, Zero East 4th St., Richmond, VA 23224
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July 30 - August 29, 2015
artspace @ the Weinstein JCC
Sara D. November Gallery
Weinstein JCC, 5403 Monument Ave, Richmond, Virginia 23226
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July 10-August 29, 2015
Communicating Gestures: the Visual & the Visceral
The Gallery at UNOS
United Network for Organ Sharing, 700 North 4th Street, Richmond, Virginia, 23219
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June 27, 2015
artspace at the
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April 10 - June 1, 2015*
"artspace at twenty-seven
Hallway, Marble Foyer, and Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
*Work in the Marble Foyer on view through April 27
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In conjunction with The Doodlists Art Exhibition, Susan Singer and Dana Frostick lead a workshop in the creation of Zendoodles and Elaborate Doodles respectively. Zendoodles will be taught in the morning. Elaborate Doodles will follow lunch. Online registration is available.
Facebook Event Page: Dueling Doodles | Art Workshop
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January 9 - 11, 2015
Middle School Art Show
Student work from Stonewall Jackson Middle in Hanover and Brookland Middle in Henrico, curated by art educators Melanie Kluender and Michelle McGrath
Opening Reception was held: Friday, January 9, 2015 - 6-8 PM
Free and Open to the Public
The gallery was open from 12-4pm on Sat., Jan. 10 and Sun., Jan. 11.
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January 16 - 18, 2015
Open High School Exhibition
Curated by art educator, Brigette Newberry
Opening Reception was held: Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 2-4 PM
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July 24 through August 21, 2014
Sara D. November Gallery
Weinstein JCC, 5403 Monument Ave, Richmond, Virginia 23226
September through December, 2014
Capital One - West Creek Campus, Town Center Gallery, 2nd Floor
15000 Capital One Drive, Richmond, VA 23238
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November 1 - December 4, 2013
Think Big!
Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
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August 15 through September 15, 2013
artspace @ the Weinstein JCC
Sara D. November Gallery
Weinstein JCC, 5403 Monument Ave, Richmond, Virginia 23226
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June 29, 2013
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January 6 through January 31, 2012
Artspace Exhibit
Dooley Hall & Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
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September through December, 2011
Capital One - West Creek Campus, Town Center Gallery, 2nd Floor
15000 Capital One Drive, Richmond, VA 23238
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January 6 through March 6, 2011
The Artists of artspace
The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen
Gumenick Family Gallery, 2880 Mountain Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060
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January 7 through January 31, 2011
Artspace Exhibit
Dooley Hall & Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
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July 7 - August 30, 2010
Music for the Eyes
works in various media by artspace members
the Listening Room Gallery at Ashland Coffee & Tea
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Solarplate Printmaking
with Dan Welden, Originator of Solarplate Printmaking in the US
Admission Fee: $10
for more information, visit: Solarplate.com
Friday, January 29, 2010
Admission Fee: $10
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Fee: $150*
*Does NOT include supplies
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January 8 through February 3, 2010
Artspace's Goodbye to the Aughts
Dooley Hall & Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
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September 18, 2009 through January 20, 2010
Collaborators and Co-conspirators: Artspace at Capital One
Capital One - West Creek Campus, Town Center Gallery, 2nd Floor
15000 Capital One Drive, Richmond, VA 23238
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June 29 through August 28, 2009
Artspace at Stony Point Gallery VCUHS
9000 Stony Point Parkway Richmond, VA 23298-0304
phone: (804) 628-2374
North building at MCV downtown
401 North 12 Street
Richmond, VA 23219
phone: (804) 828-4088
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January 9 through February 4, 2009
Artspace at Richmond Public Library
Dooley Hall & Gellman Room
Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
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Outreach Exhibition: April 4-April 29, 2008
Artspace at the Richmond Public Library
Dooley Hall & Dooley Foyer
Opening Reception First Friday, April 4, 7-9pm at the Main Richmond Public Library, 101 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219
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VCU Invisible Children
January 18, 2008 7:00pm
LiVE Art Show
This is not your ordinary art show. Artists from around the country have come together to produce art which will be silently auctioned off during the night. There will be live music, poetry, screen printing, and other activities throughout the event. Jewelry, shirts, and other merchandise will be for sale. Food will be served, and soft drinks, beer, and wine will be available. There is a $2 suggested donation entrance.
Outreach Exhibition: January 12-February 16, 2008
Artspace at St. Mary's
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VCU Invisible Children
January 11, 2008 7:00pm
reMODEL Fashion Show
A film followed by a fashion show displaying the newest fashions with a unique twist. ReMODEL was created to support and enrich our community on a global and local scale. Hors d'oeuvres will be served, and soft drinks, beer, and wine will be available. Tickets are $20, and can be purchased at the door.
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VCU Invisible Children
January 4, 2008 7:00pm
Art for Africa Opening Night
This will be a soft opening, and a chance for you to take a sneak peek of the art show before the two main events. Light refreshments will be served. Entrance is free.
Outreach Exhibition: August 24-September 23, 2007
Rainbow Station
Work by students from Rainbow Station will be on view in the Suzanne Foley Gallery at Artspace
a child care program founded by Gail Johnson awarded for its service to children with special needs, pre-school to fifth grade, providing after school and summer recreation.
Outreach Exhibition: March 1-31, 2003
Artspace at Caffè Bocce 330 Valley St., Scottsville, VA
Outreach Exhibition: June 14-August 2, 2002
Mitzi Humphrey and James Parker
at Purple Mountain Gallery
Outreach Exhibition: May 3-June 1, 2002
Town and Country - a Fresh Take
Recent works by Artspace members Judith Anderson and Catherine Johnson
Outreach Exhibition: April � May 2002
Beth Sholom Home, Richmond, Virginia A selected exhibition of works by Artspace artists. By invitation and displayed on easels.
Outreach Exhibition: February- March, 2002
"Artspace at Lakewood Manor"
A selection of member artists exhibiting sculpture, drawings, prints, paintings and photographs previously at the barber shop in Richmond, has moved to Lakewood Manor in the far West End.
Outreach Exhibition: January, 2002 - March 21, 2002
"Artspace at Nubian Village Academy"
Selected Artspace member artists showing colorful and abstract work in many media at Nubian Village Academy, Richmond's first African-Centered private school, 2022 Sledd Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220. Open to the public weekdays 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. (804) 329-3900.
Outreach Exhibition: December 7, 2001 - February 4, 2002
at the barber shop
a selection of member artists exhibiting sculpture, drawings, prints, paintings and photographs at Pine Street Barber Shop, 334 S. Pine Street, Richmond, VA 23220, (804) 780-3126
Outreach Exhibition: Spring & Summer 2001
Mind-Body Medicine Center, Retreat Hospital
Showing in the treatment rooms at Retreat Mind-Body Medicine Center -- a selection of art by Artspace members Irene Ward, Kathleen Westkaemper, Jane Vaught, Nancy Rice, and Debbie DaPrano
The Mind-Body Medicine Center, Retreat Hospital, Room 480, 2621 Grove Avenue, Richmond, VA 23220, (804) 254-5334
Gallery Exhibition: June 1-July 1, 2001
"The Heroes In Us" / Photographic Collages by The Young Artists of Blackwell and Whitcomb.
A Project of ART 180 and Weed & Seed
Winter & Spring 2001 Outreach Project
GO FISH! Artspace is proud to sponsor a fish as part of the GO FISH! project. Check out our fish in person at the Bank of America Plaza at 12th and Main streets in Richmond.
Gallery Exhibitions: April 2001
"Virginia Commonwealth University's School of the Arts, Painting & Printmaking Department's Annual Senior Exhibition"
April 2001 marks the third anniversary of "New Artists at Artspace," an exhibition of new works by the graduating seniors of the Painting and Printmaking Department of Virginia Commonwealth University. This is a chance to see the latest in painting and printmaking, drawing and mixed media. Meet the newest crop of young artists from one of the country's top art schools.
"VCU Crafts Department's Annual 'New Talent' Exhibition"
Artspace is pleased to welcome the Virginia Commonwealth University's Department of Crafts, featuring 18 graduating seniors. These emerging artists will present new work in ceramics, fiber, furniture, glass and metal.
Outreach Exhibition: January 8-March 7, 2001 Selected flatwork pieces from the Artspace Members Showcase 2000 were also on view at: The Montpelier Center for Arts & Education 17205 Mountain Rd., Montpelier, VA 23192 | (804) 883-7378
A Reception for the Artists was on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 -- 5:00-8:00 PM with a Gallery Talk by Artspace Director, Christina Newton at 6:00 PM
Gallery Performance: Friday, Dec. 9, 2000 - 2:00 pm
Art 180's Gilpin Poets New poetry reading
Gallery Exhibition: August 4-27, 2000
Amanda Robinson / "Solo"
Gallery Exhibition: June 2-July 2, 2000
Photographic Expressions / ART 180 and Weed & Seed of Richmond
Gallery Exhibition: April 2000
Virginia Commonwealth University's School of the Arts, Painting & Printmaking Department's Senior Exhibition
Gallery Exhibition: February 2000
"Realities: Outside In" / Invitational featuring seven local black contemporary artists
Gallery Exhibition: January 16 - March 1, 1998
Thornton Dial / The Tiger Looking In