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Artspace Members Showcase 2000 and Invitational at Artspace Gallery featured the work of these Artspace members: Judith
Anderson, John Bailey, Santa Sergio DeHaven, Etta Edwards, Elisabeth
Flynn-Chapman, Dana Frostick, Doug Hayes, Marian Hollowell, Theodore
Holmes, Mitzi Humphrey, Catherine Johnson, Beatrice Klein, Henrietta
Near, Baylor Nichols, Toni Obrion, Keith Ramsey, Nancy Rice, Pam Shelor,
Susan Duer Sites, Shirl Tandlich, Irene Ward, Frances Wessells, and Kathleen Westkaemper, as well as these members of the Richmond Craftsman's Guild: Mark
Baldridge, Eve Barenholtz, Nicole Leigh Bauman, Leslie Dering, Cherri
Hankins, Charlotte LaRoy, Adrian Luxmoore, Mar Makay, Brian Mills,
Cornelia Mills, Duncan Mills, Keithley Pierce, Georgia Terry, and Ellen Wirell.