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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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'biennial artspace member's exhibition and first dibs
biennial artspace member's exhibition
Main Gallery / Frable Gallery / Helena Davis Gallery
Judith Anderson / Irving Aronowitz / John Bailey / Mary Buchanan / Elizabeth Coffey / Yvonne Cook / Lou Ann Daniel / Renee De Christopher / Santa Sergio De Haven / Heidi Field-Alvarez / Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman / Kay Franz / Dana Frostick / Elizabeth Goldman / Pat Gorham / Jo Anna Hickman / Sharon Hill / Laurie Hoen / Yvonne Humphries / Mike Keeling / Catherine Johnson / Linda Johnson / Louis Joyner / Geraldine Kiefer / Bea Klein / Lisa L. Levine / Martin McFadden / Jason Moore / Dan Mouer / Brigette Newberry / Piper Nichole / Baylor Nichols / Annette Norman / Toni Obrion / Michael O'Neal / Michael A. Pierce / Elaine Rogers / Robin Ryder / Lee Saloutos / Chris Semtner / Linda Shields / Jessica Lee Sims / Inge Strack / Jane Vaught / Susan Wagner / Irene Ward / Frances Wessells / Kathleen Westkaemper

first dibs
Suzanne Foley Gallery
first dibs is a benefit art sale of small works by artspace members. entrance to the special preview is $25 per person and gets you a voucher towards the purchase of work in first dibs. all work in the suzanne foley gallery will be sold first-come, first served for $25, $50, or $75. those attending the first dibs preview may purchase as many artworks as they wish, have them wrapped and take them home with them that evening. after the preview, any artworks left will be sold on a normal first come, first served basis off the wall. all proceeds from first dibs support artspace operations and programs.

(only artworks in the first dibs exhibition will be available to immediately take home. work purchased form the biennial member's exhibition will need to remain in the gallery until the show closes on december 19th.)

exhibition card: front | back

OCTOBER 22 - NOVEMBER 21, 2010

'' by Nicholas Candela
Nicholas Candela
Beating Back Babylon
Main Gallery
Mixed Media

'' by Bruce Morton
Bruce Morton
Lost Homes
Helena Davis Gallery

'' by Sharmon Davidson
Sharmon Davidson
Frable Gallery
Mixed Media

artspace Members' Exhibit
Suzanne Foley Gallery


'Bleached and Shaven' (detail) by Leigh Anne Chambers
Leigh Anne Chambers
Main Gallery
Mixed Media

'' by Gary Cawood
Gary Cawood
Helena Davis Gallery

'Intended for a lifetime of shooting' (detail) by Jessica Sims'Can-O-Matic' by Jessica Burke
Jessica Burke & Jessica Sims
Vintage Vices
Frable Gallery

artspace Members' Exhibit
Suzanne Foley Gallery

AUGUST 27 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2010

'In Over My Head' by Marc Anthony Polizzi, First Place
Strassen Kunst:
an international exhibition of work inspired by graffiti
Helena Davis, Frable and Foley Galleries
Juried Exhibition

JULY 23 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2010

Strassen Kunst:
Street Art: Ottomatik, Reti, Daniel Johnson, Elegwa Wycliff, Hamilton Glass (HAM?), Gee Cheung, Megan Mueller, Good Child/Tender Hooligan, Dr. Bastard, Keeley Laures
Main Gallery

JULY 23 - AUGUST 22, 2010

Martin McFadden, LRPS
Strassen Kunst: Berlin
Helena Davis & Frable Galleries

artspace Members' Exhibit
Work Inspired by Graffiti
Suzanne Foley Gallery

JUNE 25 - JULY 18, 2010

HOMEGROWN: Plant Zero @ artspace
Plant Zero @ artspace

Curated by Heather Russell, Director, Russell Projects
Frable, Helena Davis and Main Galleries
Featuring the artists of Plant Zero
Artspace wishes to thank these sponsors for their generous support of this exhibition:
Santa Sergio De Haven
Dorothy H. Ellis
Bill Fisher
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman
Brian Grossman
Michael Noyes
Morgan McKinney
Chet Naylor
Louis Poole
Heidi Rugg/Barefoot Puppet Theatre

artspace Members' Exhibit
Suzanne Foley Gallery

MAY 28 - JUNE 20, 2010

'Arc' by Jeanne Drevas
Pushing the Limits
Curated Invitational Fiber Exhibition
coinciding with Minds Wide Open: Virginia Celebrates Women in the Arts
Main and Frable Galleries

by Erin Riley
Erin Riley
Daddy Issues
Helena Davis Gallery

by Heidi Field-Alvarez
Heidi Field-Alvarezv & Jo Anna Hickman
Stitched Together
Suzanne Foley Gallery
Fiber Art/Mixed Media

APRIL 23 - MAY 23, 2010

by Michael A. Pierce
Michael A. Pierce
In My Busby Berkeley Dreams
Main Gallery
Mixed Media

by Ginna Cullen
Ginna Cullen
Points Of Reference
Frable Gallery
Mixed Media

by Amie Oliver
Amie Oliver
The Dharma Diaries
Helena Davis Gallery
Recent work on paper, panel and wood

artspace Members' Exhibit
In Celebration of Earth Day
Suzanne Foley Gallery

MARCH 26 - APRIL 18, 2010

artspace National Juried Photography and Printmaking Exhibition
Congratulations to the artspace National Juried Printmaking and Photography Exhibition 2010 Finalists! From a total of 567 images submitted by 156 artists, Richard Waller, Executive Director of Museums, University of Richmond, selected 56 works by 46 artists from across the United States and Canada.
View the "ANJPPE 2010 Finalists" Picasa Web Album

artspace Members' Exhibit
Photography and Prints
Suzanne Foley Gallery

FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 21, 2010

by Laurie Hoenby Holly Smith
Laurie Hoen and Holly Smith
Places on Earth: A Brush with Nature
Main Gallery
Hoen: Paintings and Prints. Smith: Textile Constructions.

by Carmelo Midili
Carmelo Midili
Frable Gallery
Sculpture/Mixed Media

by Hazel Buys
Hazel Buys
Baker's Dozen
Helena Davis Gallery

artspace Members' Exhibit
All media on the Media
Suzanne Foley Gallery

JANUARY 22 - FEBRUARY 21, 2010

by Michael O'Neal
Michael O'Neal
Connard Arrogant!
Main Gallery

by Elizabeth Coffey
Elizabeth Coffey
Breathing Room
Frable Gallery
Oil on Paper

by Linda Laino
Linda Laino
Ordinary Earth
Helena Davis Gallery
Mixed Media Paintings

artspace Members' Exhibit
Resolutions: Solved and Revolved
Suzanne Foley Gallery

JANUARY 3 - JANUARY 17, 2010

Uncommon Denominator
Interim Show featuring
VCU Student Work from the Crafts Department

Main Gallery

Artists Reception Jan. 15th, 7-10 pm
Gallery Talk Jan. 17th, 4pm

email Artspace visit our Square market to purchase artwork buy Artspace merchandise from cafe press Artspace Richmond page on facebook Artspace's tumblr page Artspace's twitter page Artspace's instagram account Artspace's youtube account Artspace's linked in account

[email protected] | (804) 232-6464

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