Curated by Heather Russell Director, Russell Projects

June 25 through July 18
Frable, Helena Davis and Main Galleries
Featuring artists of Plant Zero including:
Adele Castillo, Santa Sergio De Haven, Dorothy H. Ellis, Bill Fisher, Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman, Dana Frostick, Brian Grossman, Christine Gray, Mike Keeling, E. B. Kellinger, Michael Noyes, Aaron McIntosh, Morgan McKinney, Chet Naylor, Michael Pierce, Louis Poole, Heidi Rugg/Barefoot Puppet Theatre, Alejandro Teichberg, James Timberlake, Kathleen Westkaemper
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
June 25, 7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Artspace wishes to thank these sponsors for their generous support of this exhibition:
Santa Sergio De Haven
Dorothy H. Ellis
Bill Fisher
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman
Brian Grossman
Michael Noyes
Morgan McKinney
Chet Naylor
Louis Poole
Heidi Rugg/Barefoot Puppet Theatre