artspace logo

a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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Mid-Show Reception was held on
Friday, November 27, 7-10pm
Featuring Music by Lewy D.- Twisting the Standards

Thank you to the sponsors and contributors of our Opening Reception and Preview Gala Events

Opening Reception was held on
Friday, Oct. 23
Music by: Robin Payne, Classical Guitar
Appetizers provided by: Relay Foods
Preview Gala was held on
Thursday, Oct. 22
Music by
The Luckies

Appetizers by these fine restaurants
Hermitage Grill
Kitchen 64
Sticky Togogo
Plant Zero Cafe
Plant Zero Cafe

Galaxy Diner
Camden's Dogtown Market
Fat Dragon
Lalo's Cocina Bar & Grill

The Preview Gala benefits Artspace operations and our mission to show art and performance that will challenge and involve our Richmond and regional audience.

Media sponsorship for the ThinkSmall 8 Gala Preview by:
The Community Idea Stations and 88.9 WCVE Richmond Public Radio

Previous Think Small! Exhibitions

2011 - TS7!

2011 - TS6!

2009 - TS5!

2007 - TS4!

2005 - TS3!

2003 - TS2!

2001 - TS1!


ThinkSmall 8!

A biennial international miniature invitational exhibition.

October 23 through December 20, 2015

Think Small! is a Major Fundraising Event for Artspace, curated by Santa De Haven.
This exhibition is the 8th installment in the series and features 237 artists from Richmond and beyond -- regional, national and international -- with 340 mini-masterpieces on view.

ThinkSmall 8!
Main, Frable, Helena Davis and Suzanne Foley Galleries

Participating Artists
Margery Albertini
Judith Anderson
Susanne Arnold
Jenni Bachman
Lewis Bailes
John Balasa
Leslie Banta
Sue Barrett
Tracy Barrett
Margaret Bates
Gwen Beall
Billy Bob Beamer
Patrick Binks
Jim Black
Dare Boles
Greg Braun
Ann Bridges
Becca Broughton
Shaylen Broughton
Jaclyn Kolev Brown
Judith FAE Brown
Nancy Bruce
Carter Bryan
Margaret Buchanan
Ryan Burgess
Jessica Burke
Hazel Buys
Kathleen Calhoun
Bridget Camden
Gregg Carbo
Alexa Case
Sharon Crouse Chandler
Anne Hart Chay
Sarah Alicia Chay
Ann Chenoweth
Wesley Childress
Frederick Chiriboga
Bettelyn Clark
Tom Condon
Nicholas Cossitt
Jennifer Cox
Casey Criddle
Susan Crook
Don Crow
Rebecca D'Angelo
Lou Ann Kemp Daniel
Santa Sergio De Haven
Tom De Haven
Arlene DeConti
Jan Delsack
Madonna Dersch
Durwood Dommisse
Dana DuMont
Karen Edelmann
Jeremy Elder
Alice Anne Ellis
Alan Entin
Cynthia Erdahl
Marc Fagan
Madison Chase Fairburn
Marti Fann
Colin Ferguson
Tiffany Glass Ferreira
Kay Franz
Dana Frostick
Donna Frostick
Cindy Gantnier
Shannon Gilbert
JC Gilmore-Bryan
Dee Glazer
Mim Golub
Shelia M. Gray
Susan Van der Eb Greene
Carlton Gunn
Susan Gunn
Suzanne Guppy
Jenna Guthrie
Judith Trott Guy
Belinda Haikes
Jennifer Hancock
Tim Harper
Pete Heiberger
Frank E. Heller
Mary Anne Hensley
Tracy Herman
Tere Hernández-Bonét
Sharon Hill
Linda Hollett-Bazouzi
Marian Hollowell
Ed Holten
Jennifer Honings
Erin Housholder
Mitzi Humphrey
Sheryl Humphrey
Susan Iverson
Kiyomi Iwata
Beth Beaven Jasper
Catherine D. Johnson
Paul Kehrer
Gregory Kelley
Meena Khalili
Bizhan Khodabandeh
Blythe King
Christine Kingston
Sandhya Kiran
Michael Kirk
Miro Kirov
Jere Kittle
Melanie Kluender
Eric Knight
Cris Koshock
Angela Koslow
Janneke Kotte
Laura LaFave/Joseph Labate
Vanna Lam
Amelia Blair Langford
Greig Leach
Lisa Lezell Levine
Jeffrey Leving
Cecilia S. Lewis
Keith Long
Ron Longsdorf
Rachel Lott
Cary Loving
Richard Lucyshyn
Kat Markowitz
Emma Lou Martin
Jessica Martinkosky
Megan L. Mattax
Scott McCarney
Megan McConnell
Michelle McGrath
Elizabeth Meggs
Libby Meggs
Mary A. Melton
Theodora Miller
Shinsuke Minegishi
Tom Monsees
Hannah Morgan
Dan Mouer
Lynn Murphy
Dominie Nash
Henrietta Near
Brooke Neer
Bonnie Nelms
Brigette Newberry
Amy Nichols
Annette Norman
Michael Noyes
Amie Oliver
Cas Overton
Gwen Parker
Simone Paterson
Jim Pearson
Mark Pehanich
Julia E. Pfaff
Michael-Birch Pierce
Michael Pierce
Yupin Pramotepipop
Dale Quarterman
Deborah Quick
Keith Ramsey
Mary Wells Ramsey
Lorelle Rau
Lynda Ray
Caroline Renard
Matthew D. Ritchie
Eva Rocha
Elaine Rogers
Tanya Rogish
BethAnn Romeo
Steven Rosenzweig
Ann Rudy
Eleanor Rufty
John Ruhlman
Helene Ruiz
Rob Ryder
Deborah Saks
Diego Sanchez
Ronni Saunders
Ward Saunders
Anne C. Savedge
Janet Scagnelli
Chuck Scalin
Noah Scalin
Jude Schlotzhauer
Mary Scurlock
Sam Seeley
Michelle Selwyn
Chris Semtner
Andrea Groninger Sharp
Dan Sheets
Linda Shields
Mark Shively
Robin Silberman
Jessica L. Sims
Charlene Smith
Kay Smith
Megan Suzanne Sommers
Ephraim "Ed" Steinberg
Chris Stephens
Henry Stindt
Jana Stockwell
Reneé W. Stramel
Susan Svendsen
Lynne Sward
Paul Terrell
Heidi Thacker
Beth Thomas
Kristin Thomas
Jane Thompson
Allison Titus
Pamela Turner
Virginia Tyack
Dawn Vass
Jane Vaught
Janet T. Visser
William Waggoner
Aubrey Walker
Stewart Watson
Jordan W. Weaver
Claudia Weisner-Combecher
Kathleen Westkaemper
David R. White
Grant Wiggins
Erin Willett
Michael Willett
Julie Williams
Donald Wilson
Dennis R. Winston
Kimberly Winters
Tarynn M. Witten
Julie Wolfe
Megan Zalecki
Roman Zelgatas

email Artspace visit our Square market to purchase artwork buy Artspace merchandise from cafe press Artspace Richmond page on facebook Artspace's tumblr page Artspace's twitter page Artspace's instagram account Artspace's youtube account Artspace's linked in account

[email protected] | (804) 232-6464

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Page Last Updated On: 12/20/2015 12:15:10 AM