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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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Lisa Lezell Levine

'Ocean Patterns' Acrylic and Ink by Lisa Lezell Levine

Bid here: (starting bid $195)

Ocean Patterns
Acrylic and Ink
28 x 20 inches
Retail Value: $600

As an artist and educator I maintain an on going pursuit of knowledge and techniques in the Arts. Art has forever been my spirit and kismet. The best artists define details through their passions, which brings exuberance to their work. The paintings that I create all have a significant purpose because they are their own exciting visual stories. BFA Rhode Island School of Design, MA Syracuse University. "Second Chances"....The Gallery at UNOS, Near and Far Richmond Public Library, 2017. VAEA, State Art Teacher of the Year, Richmond Public Schools. Curator and advisor for the Weinstein Jewish Community Center Gallery.

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[email protected] | (804) 232-6464

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Page Last Updated On: 3/14/2020 12:24:34 PM