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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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June 26 - July 19, 2020

Virtual Opening, Friday, June 26, 7 pm
featuring a livestream video of the exhibition on Facebook

Artspace Members Exhibition

Installed at the Gallery

Paul Terrell

Natura Morta Nuda
(Italian: Naked Still Life)

Naked Raku Pottery
Helena Davis Gallery

Artwork is available for purchase from our online store. Click here.

'NATURA MORTA NUDA,' Naked Raku Pottery by Paul Terrell

Naked Raku Pottery
Size XL- $100 Size L- $90 Size M- $80 Size S-$60
Looking at the groupings left to right: #1L, #2-M, #3-XL #4-L, #5-S, #6-M, #7-L #8-S, #9-L, #10-XL

'NATURA MORTA NUDA,' Naked Raku Pottery by Paul Terrell

Group 1 (detail)

'NATURA MORTA NUDA,' Naked Raku Pottery by Paul Terrell

Group 2 (detail)

'NATURA MORTA NUDA,' Naked Raku Pottery by Paul Terrell

Group 3 (detail)

Giorgo Morandi created still life compositions that pushed the elemental relationships of compositional space. His groupings of bottles were a carefully manipulated still life he then painted with subtle simplifications of color, light, and form which made all space important.

Currently we are living in a Global Pandemic where an invisible virus has created the awareness that all space is important. Our relationship to the space in which we and others breathe can be the difference between life and death. With that in mind I have been throwing bottle forms on the potter's wheel in the seclusion of my studio.

I am firing these pieces using the techniques of Naked Raku. All surface markings are random carbon crackles left from reduction firing with the removal of all glazes which softens the black and white forms. Ten bottles are gathered in smaller still life groupings that personify our current social spacing in homage to Giorgo Morandi's work.

Paul Terrell, Artist Educator

Giorgio Morandi, Artist, Educator during the Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918. Morandi (July 20, 1890 - June 18, 1964) was an Italian painter and printmaker who specialized in still life. His paintings are noted for their tonal subtlety in depicting apparently simple subjects, which were limited mainly to vases, bottles, bowls, flowers and landscapes.

Artwork is available for purchase from our online store. Click here.

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Page Updated 6/24/2020 1:38:47 PM