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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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Alice Husak

'Jelly Jungle' by Alice Husak

Bid here: (starting bid $100)

Jelly Jungle
reverse painted glass
14 x 6 x 1 inches
Retail Value: $175

Alice's "looking glass" painting technique is unique in that the image is composed backwards and inside out: paint is applied directly on glass from one side and viewed from the opposite side. That, and the image is painted in reverse, meaning the foreground is painted first and the background comes last. It's a self-taught thing.
Because the canvas is transparent, accounting for light is a key component of the process, along with the 30-60 layers (and hidden pigments) that shift, based on viewer participation and angle of light. Walk around and enjoy what comes to you.

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Page Last Updated On: 3/14/2020 11:49:37 AM