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'Cinnamon', oil and wax on canvas by Elaine Rogers

Cinnamon, 2007
oil and wax on canvas, 24" x 24"


'Before Spring', oil and wax on canvas by Elaine Rogers

Before Spring, 2007
oil and wax on canvas, 24" x 24"


'Dreamscape', oil and wax on canvas by Elaine Rogers

Dreamscape, 2007
oil and wax on canvas, 24" x 24"


'Green and Gray', oil and wax on canvas by Elaine Rogers

Green and Gray, 2007
oil and wax on canvas, 16" x 16"


Studio Shot

  Artist Statement
I use color and gesture to find meaning and build form. The paintings happen in layers, over time. I usually begin with a small model that becomes an opening to a larger work. Some of these begin with a collage and recent pieces begin with a small watercolor study. My subjects are quite varied but usually involve other people, current events, and other "realities" as filtered through my experience. My process is abstract and somewhat reductive. I am looking for an essence. Personal and political coincide in the layering of experiences.

The process of painting sets up an area in which these different "realities" bump into one another. My challenge is to create a unified painting from conflicting and contradictory elements. I am striving for unity and pictorial wholeness in painting as a way to hold on in a world that seems ever more fragmented.

Elaine Rogers

Read Elaine's Resume

See More of Elaine's Work: Page 1 | Page 2

Find out more about Elaine's artwork online at:
website: www.elainerogers.net

Contact Elaine by email at:
[email protected]


ARTSPACE GALLERY : ZERO E. 4TH ST. : RICHMOND,VA 23224 : 804.232.6464
all content copyright : may not be reproduced in any form without written permission
[email protected]