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Application for Artist Membership
to Artspace

Zero East Fourth Street, Richmond, VA 23224 Tel: (804) 232-6464 Fax: (804) 232-6465
Regular Hours: Wed.-Sun., 12-4pm    Website: www.artspacegallery.org

Artspace is a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts, supported and operated by its membership. Membership categories for artists include Artist Member, Supporting Artist Member, Performing Artist Member (new candidates are recommended by current Artist Members and voted on by the present membership - application form not necessary) and On-Leave Artist Member (available for current membership only - application form not necessary). Definitions of these membership categories and the privileges and responsibilities of each are detailed in the "Artspace Membership Categories" below. Undergraduates are not eligible for membership.

All new artist applicants are required to submit an artist statement, slides and original works. These items will be subject to a review, discussion, and vote by the current artist members. Applicants have the option of presenting their work in person at a regularly scheduled meeting (2nd Thurs. of the month) subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Slides should be labeled with artist's name, slide number and top of slide indicated for proper viewing. A slide list should include your name, slide numbers, title of works, years of creation, mediums and sizes. If no slide list is included, please include as much of this information as possible on the slides themselves. All original artwork should include a label with artist's name.

To apply for an artist membership at Artspace, please fill out the following form and include it with your submission for membership. Deliver all submission items to the gallery during regular business hours or by appointment. No fee is required to apply for membership; however your first month's dues (based on the membership category you select) are expected to be paid at the first meeting you attend after acceptance. If you are not selected as an artist member at this time, you may reapply after one year from the date of your initial application and once a year thereafter.

To print these instructions and form for an artist application click on the following link:

HTML version

As Adopted by the Membership at the Annual Meeting - September 1999


    ARTIST MEMBER - $35 per month

    Professional artists who determine and participate in fulfilling Artspace's mission. New candidates are selected and voted in after having slides and work presented to the present membership. Terms last a minimum of one year.

  • Voting rights on all matters before the membership
  • The opportunity to apply to exhibit at Artspace every 18 months (as opposed to every 36 months for non-members), in shows of four (4) or less, upon acceptance.
  • Gallery commission on sales is limited to 25% (33 1/3% for non-members)
  • 1/3 off exhibition fees
  • Participation in all Outreach Exhibitions
  • Exhibition opportunity in the new Upstairs Gallery and all members exhibitions at the gallery
  • Opportunity to use the Artspace name as Gallery affiliation (i.e.: press or grant applications)
  • Opportunity to use Artspace for personal use such as mtgs., parties, etc. (when available as not to interfere with the regular operating schedule.)
  • Included on the Artspace Web-Site
  • Free admission to Performance Series events (discounts to special events where applicable)
  • Participation in all social activities for Artspace Members
  • All works are insured while they are in the Gallery's possession ($250 deductible)

  • Membership fee of $35 (paid monthly or yearly)
  • Sitting at least once a month (If member is unable to sit due to other commitments, he/she is responsible for hiring or switching with another sitter.)
  • Serving on at least one committee
  • Attending at least 9 monthly Members' Meetings per year (one to include the Annual Meeting in September) Members' Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Artspace
  • Supporting Artspace by attending Opening Receptions and events.
  • Artist must be a contributing member of Artspace for one-year before exhibiting in shows of four (4) or less.

    SUPPORTING ARTIST MEMBER - $65 per month

    Professional artists who wish to support Artspace through financial means rather than working aid, and who wish to have continous exhibition opportunities. New candidates are selected and voted in after having slides and work presented to the present membership. Terms last a minimum of one year.

  • Voting rights on all matters before the membership
  • The opportunity to apply to exhibit at Artspace every 18 months (as opposed to every 36 months for non-members), in shows of four (4) or less, upon acceptance.
  • Gallery commission on sales is limited to 25% (33 1/3% for non-members)
  • 1/3 off exhibition fees
  • Participation in all Outreach Exhibitions
  • Exhibition opportunity in the new Upstairs Gallery and all members exhibitions at the gallery
  • Opportunity to use the Artspace name as Gallery affiliation (i.e.: press or grant applications)
  • Opportunity to use Artspace for personal use such as mtgs., parties, etc. (when available as not to interfere with the regular operating schedule.)
  • Included on the Artspace Web-Site
  • Free admission to Performance Series events (discounts to special events where applicable)
  • Participation in all social activities for Artspace Members
  • All works are insured while they are in the Gallery's possession ($250 deductible)

  • Membership fee of $65 (paid monthly or yearly)
  • Attending at least 5 monthly Members' Meetings per year (one to include the Annual Meeting in September) Members' Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Artspace
  • Supporting Artspace by attending Opening Receptions and events.
  • Artist must be a contributing member of Artspace for one-year before exhibiting in shows of four (4) or less.

    PERFORMING ARTIST MEMBER - $15 per month

    Professional Performing Artists who wish to support Artspace's mission and assist with the operation of the Gallery in exchange for Gallery affiliation, rehearsal space, and reduced dues. New candidates are recommended by current Artist Members and voted on by the present membership. Terms last a minimum of one year. Duties and Responsibilities vary on a case-by-case basis.

  • Voting rights on matters before the membership, not to include visual art exhibitions or new visual artist members
  • Opportunity to have a yearly performance at Artspace(subject to scheduling approval by gallery administration)
  • Opportunity to sell merchandise at at Artspace during regular operating hours, openings and events (where applicable)
  • Commission on merchandise sales through the Gallery is limited to 25% (33 1/3% for non-members) (where applicable)
  • Opportunity to perform at Opening Receptions or special events
  • Opportunity to use the Artspace name as Gallery affiliation (i.e.: press or grant applications)
  • Opportunity to use Artspace for personal use such as mtgs., recording, rehearsal, etc. (subject to scheduling approval by gallery administration)
  • Included on the Artspace Web-Site
  • Free admission to Performance Series events (discounts to special events where applicable)
  • Participation in all social activities for Artspace Members

  • Membership fee of $15 (paid monthly or yearly)
  • Sitting at least 9 times per year (If member is unable to sit due to other commitments, he/she is responsible for hiring or switching with another sitter.)
  • Attending at least 4 monthly Members' Meetings per year (one to include the Annual Meeting in September) Members' Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Artspace
  • Serving on the Performance Series Committee
  • Opportunity to serve on other committees
  • Supporting Artspace by attending Opening Receptions and events

    ON-LEAVE ARTIST MEMBER - $160 per year

    Professional artists who were one time members of the Gallery and who wish to support Artspace�s mission, but cannot be involved in the operations of the Gallery. These members may return to participating membership without reapplying. They also support the Gallery through financial assistance and by being community spokesperson. Terms last a minimum of one year.

  • An open invitation to attend the monthly Members� Meetings held on the Second Thursday of the month - No voting rights.
  • The opportunity to apply to exhibit at Artspace every 18 months (as opposed to every 36 months for non-members), in shows of four (4) or less, upon acceptance.
  • Gallery commission on sales is limited to 25% (33 1/3% for non-members)
  • 1/3 off exhibition fees
  • The ability to reactivate full-time membership without reapplying
  • Open invitation to Special Members� Meetings, and Members� Social Activities
  • May be invited to exhibit in Artspace Outreach exhibitions and the new Upstairs Gallery
  • Opportunity to use the Artspace name as Gallery affiliation (i.e.: press or grant applications)
  • All works are insured while they are in the Gallery's possession ($250 deductible)

  • Membership fee of $160 (paid yearly)
  • Supporting Artspace by attending Opening Receptions and events.


    all content copyright : may not be reproduced in any form without written permission