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MAR / APR   2008 
Artspace National Juried
Printmaking & Photography Exhibition 2008
Juror: Brooks Johnson
Curator of Photography and 21st-Century Art, Chrysler Museum of Art

March 28 through April 20
Entire Gallery

Artspace Gallery announces an open call to printmakers, photographers, and artists working with any photographic process to submit entries for its first national exhibition - the Artspace National Juried Printmaking and Photography Exhibition 2008. The exhibition juror, Brooks Johnson, Curator of Photography and 21st-Century Art, Chrysler Museum of Art, will award over $1000 in cash prizes.

Artists age 18+, working in 2D and 3D that incorporates printmaking or any photographic process, from the US, may submit 3 slides or digital files of work to be considered for the exhibition. Additional images may be submitted at additional cost, for up to a total of 10 works. Work that has been previously exhibited at Artspace Gallery is not eligible.

Entry Procedure
Entrants may submit slides or digital images on CD. Only one slide or digital image may be submitted for each work. Diptychs or triptychs are counted as one work, but must be on one slide. Size of artwork must be limited to maximum of 48" X 60", in either direction, and 65 lbs. Space limitations do not allow for installations of work. Slides should be labeled with: 1) artist's name; 2) entry number corresponding to work listed on entry form; 3) size of work; 4) medium. The top of the image should be correctly indicated on the front side of the slide with the word TOP. Digital files for viewing should be .jpg format at 72 ppi, saved at 10-12 quality level, with the longest dimension being 800 pixels. Label each file with the last name, first initial, and the number corresponding to the entry number (e.g. SmithJ1). If digital files are submitted, please identify images on the entry form with the title of the work.

   Slides or CD, completed entry form, entry fee, and a self-addressed, stamped envelope, for the return of your slides/CD, and notification of acceptance, must be post-marked by Friday, February 1, 2008 and sent to Artspace Gallery, Zero E. 4th Street, Richmond, Virginia, 23224. Entry forms may be photocopied. Incomplete entries or unlabeled slides or CD's will not be considered. Please note that slides or digital images of accepted work may be retained for publicity purposes and will be returned after the exhibition closes. Entries will not be returned without SASE and adequate postage. Do not use glass mounts. Artist statements, bios, and resumes may be requested upon acceptance to the exhibition.

Submit Online
In the body of an E-mail, include your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. In this E-mail you will also provide information for the images that you wish to submit. To this E-mail you will attach the images of the work that correspond to the information provided and send to [email protected]. Payment of entry fee will be accepted via PayPal or personal check or money order mailed to the gallery by the postmark deadline. Notice of acceptance will be e-mailed.

Cash prizes over $1,000 will be awarded solely at the discretion of the exhibition juror. Recognition of work by Mr. Johnson may also be designated as Honorable Mention(s) to the extent he deems appropriate. These designations do not include a cash prize. Certificates of achievement will be presented to all the award-winning artists.

Brooks Johnson is the Curator of Photography and 21st-Century Art at the Chrysler Museum of Art. He has directed the growth of the museum collection to approximately 4,000 objects spanning the entire history of photography, organized more than 100 exhibitions, and has published more than two dozen books and catalogues. Johnson has been employed by the Chrysler Museum since 1977 and holds the M.A. degree, from Old Dominion University, and a B.F.A. degree, from The Maryland Institute, College of Art, in Baltimore. He is a graduate of Museum Management Institute, a program of the J. Paul Getty Trust, and attended the Parsons/New School for Social Research Summer Photography Program, in Arles, France. Johnson has served as a panelist/reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities, Virginia Commission for the Arts, the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, Houston FotoFest, PhotoAmericas, and the Friends of Photography, San Francisco. He is on the staff of the Truth With A Camera workshop, held annually at the Chrysler Museum since 2000.

All work must be for sale. Artspace Gallery will receive a 30% commission on the sale of any work.

Entry Fee
Each entrant is required to pay a non-refundable $20.00 (U.S.) entry fee for 3 slides or digital files. Additional images for up to 7 more works may be submitted at $5.00 (US) for each additional image. You may submit fewer images, but since the exhibition is very competitive, your chances of participation are better, if more work is submitted.

Accepted Work
Accepted work must be properly framed or assembled, and ready to exhibit. Artspace Gallery will not be able to assemble any work. Please use acrylic, instead of glass, for shipped work. Artspace Gallery reserves the right not to exhibit work that it deems unsuitable for exhibition. Work must be shipped with prepaid return shipping by USPS, UPS, FedEx Express (only), or DHL. Please DO NOT send work via FedEx Ground since the work cannot be picked up at the gallery for return shipment. More details will be provided upon work being selected for the exhibition.

Liability and Agreement
Although extreme care will be taken will all entries and works of art, Artspace Gallery cannot be responsible for entries and work in transit to or from the exhibition. Work will be covered at 100% of designated value while in Artspace's possession. Artspace Gallery is not responsible for unlabeled slides. Signing the entry form denotes agreement to the terms and conditions, as stated in the entry information. Permission to photograph accepted work for publicity purposes shall be understood to be granted unless specifically denied.

[email protected]
  • Prospectus (PDF)
  • Submission Guidelines & Entry Form (PDF)


    Postmark/Online Deadline:
    February 1, 2008

    Notification Sent:
    February 22, 2008

    Shipped Work Received:
    March 12-21, 2008

    Hand-Deliver Work:
    March 13-23, 2008

    Show Opens:
    March 28, 2008

    Awards and Reception:
    March 28, 2008

    Show Closes:
    April 20, 2008

    Pick Up Work:
    April 23-27, 2008

    Shipped Work Sent:
    April 28-May 2, 2008

    all content copyright : may not be reproduced in any form without written permission