a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts |
2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
Solarplate�printing is�an alternative to traditional etching and relief printing.�"Solarplate is a prepared, light-sensitive polymer surface on a steel backing that uses the sun or UV light"* to etch an image on the�plate. Solarplates were developed by�Dan Welden in the 1970s. I have experimented with solarplates for the last 15 years.
I use a computer and printer to create my images on a transparent film (acetate) using photographs and photographs of my�paintstick drawings. The transparency is placed on the solarplate and placed�in the sun or under a�UV light. An image is etched into the plate and water is used to wash it out.
The etched plate is inked and run through�a printing press to make the image on paper.��
Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that was discovered in 1842. Paper is treated with chemicals to create a cyan-blue print. I make negatives of drawings and photographs on acetate film using a scanner, computer and printer. Paper is treated with the cyanotype (photosensitive) solution, the negatives on acetate are placed on the treated papers and exposed to sunlight to make the image.
[email protected] | (804) 232-6464
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