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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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The Young Writers, the stories, and their Artist Collaborators

Kate Oelkers "Revolutions" LEW LOTT
Sincere Reading "The Ride" PAM SUTHERLAND
Erin Rigby "Tyson Learns to Ride a Bike" ROBERT LEONG
Elena Marshel "Bicycle Faces" CRISTIAN KOSHOCK
Posy Price "The Deadly Bike Ride" SAM SHABAN
Emily Jansen "What a Beautiful Day" SAM SHABAN
Emily Jansen "Free Spirit" CLAIRE HILL
Samantha Cake "My Beautiful Baking Bike" SARAH CHAKALES
Alyssa McMurdy "My Bike Ride to Walmart" SANDY BASHAM
Connor Webb "The Wormcycle" TIFFANY FLOYD
Maeve Hall "Drifting Lanes" ALICE ANN ELLIS
Kendall Lynch "Kaleidoscope" AIMEE JOYAUX
Lydia Galvin "Bike Cacophony" DANA FROSTICK
Alyssa Black "Coastal Fidelity" PAM SUTHERLAND
Holly Howard "Steel Gleaming" KEVIN MALONE
Marceline Habonimana "Raven and Speed the Bike" JARAZ JENKINS
Georgia Leipold-Vitiello "Pink Memories" SARAH HAND
Alex Broening "Bleeds Out Rust" JESSICA SIMS
Makayla Talley "Fix It" BIZHAN KHODABANDEH
Jane Favela "Dia the Dare Devil" MARK GROVENSTEEN
Emeline Eisele "Red�s Errand" NICO CATHART
Ellie Maruca "Charming�s Quest" ELIZABETH EUBANKS
Alex Wright "Dreams" JOHNNY HOTT
Elijah Bossola "New Generation" MICHELE TECCO
Odessa Hott "Dear Ryder" SANTA DE HAVEN
Dylan Dhindsa "Cash in My Pocket" ANNE SAVEDGE
Joseline Ntirampeba "Wind Claw" LISA LEVINE
Ethan Whitehead "The Crash" DANA FROSTICK

September 18 - October 18, 2015

Bicycle Stories

artspace and Richmond Young Writers

Plant Zero Project Space Hallway Galleries


Facebook Event Page
RVA Mag: Richmond Young Writers teams up with local artists for bike-themed visual expressions of teen's literary works
Style Weekly: Write of Way For the �Bicycle Stories� exhibit at Artspace Gallery, Richmond authors and artists unite for a kinetic collaboration.
Richmond Young Writers
Donate to the Scholarship Fund

Opening Reception for the Artists and Writers
Friday, September 18, 2015
7:00-10:00 pm

Free and Open to the Public

email Artspace visit our Square market to purchase artwork buy Artspace merchandise from cafe press Artspace Richmond page on facebook Artspace's tumblr page Artspace's twitter page Artspace's instagram account Artspace's youtube account Artspace's linked in account

[email protected] | (804) 232-6464

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9/20/2015 11:07:23 AM