an invitational show, curated by artspace member, Piper Nichole, featuring painting, sculpture, and glasswork by 17 artists from the Richmond area
by Piper Nichole
January 27 - February 19, 2012
Main and Frable Galleries
Featuring: Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman, Angelo Franco, Kay Franz, Dana Frostick, Grant Garmezy, Nicholas Henriques, Joel Henriques, Mike Keeling, E.B. Kellinger, Kathy Klein, Lisa Levine, Brigette Newberry, Piper Nichole, Michael Pierce, Herb Pulliam, Jessica Sims, and Inge Strack.
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
January 27, 2012
7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Forest of Love
by Angelo Franco
2011, Oil on canvas, 12 x 24 inches
The Engagement
by Dana Frostick
2011, Oil on canvas, 12 x 27 inches