mixed media and photography

By Way Of The Garden
mixed media on wood panel, 30"X30"
September 23 - October 23, 2011
Helena Davis Gallery
Imbued by water and earth, this collection of mixed media and photography is a meditation on the continuous flow that carries all life forms through the birth, life and consequent death process. Nature continuously provides us with evidence of this endless rotation, demonstrating that where there is demise and decay there is an eventual evolution. I further contemplate the human quest for sanctity and the multitude of ways that we choose to ritualize our part in the cycle as well as the symbols we recognize to honor the spirit and the impermanent, individual life form.
I approach photography and painting/collage in opposing ways; even so, the two mediums often overlap physically and conceptually. I photograph with the intent to isolate and simplify a moment; seeking to extract a pervasive mood of place or subject, heightening the tension between the inhabitants and the space in which they encounter the environment and each other. A visual reality and a conjured memory combine to create a personal expression of an instant preserved. With my mixed media, I create a story that is built with layers and reduced repeatedly so that the nonlinear perspective of time is not just implied but is a physical and visual interaction on a surface. The complexity of the collaged pieces is inherent and is intended to promote close study, meditation and self-revelation. The photographs communicate more immediately by mood, space and perspective.
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
September 23, 2011
7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Closing Artist Talk
Sunday, October 23, 2011
4 pm
Free and Open to the Public

digital print on wood panel 6"X6"

Gray Matter
digital print on wood panel 6"X6"