Dwelling Places
Mixed Media

40 x 50 inches
May 27 - June 19, 2011
Frable Gallery
My work is about shapes, their size, and their relationship to each other. It is also about making art from reclaimed papers, as I have been collecting many of my materials over a long period of time. I work with paper, acrylics, and glue and use various techniques to transform these papers into something much different from their original form. While my main purpose in making these pieces is to create art, I am also very pleased to be making art from materials that might otherwise have been discarded.
Likewise, my concern about wastefulness also includes the way that our choices about how and where we live impacts our world. It is this concern that has inspired this group of paintings called Dwelling Places.
Many of the pieces in this group represent houses in a city. I am wondering how much better off we�d be now if we had taken care of our cities and stayed in them. If we had not gone out into the country side, cut down the trees, and built wastefully large houses. So that we could then spend immense amounts of time and gas driving back and forth between home and city to do all of the things that we do in cities.
At present, though, the good news seems to be that we are returning to the places and spaces we left behind when we felt that being out of the cities was better than being in them. Now with the rising cost of everything, especially energy, many people are returning to the places we left behind.
Nancy Bruce
April 2011
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
May 27, 2011
7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Closing Artist Talk
Sunday, June 19, 2011
4 pm
Free and Open to the Public

Duplex 1116
34 x 50 inches

9th & Selene
40 x 50 inches

Red Brick Duplex
34 x 50 inches