The Dissected Book
Hand-crafted Books

by Mark Sarigianis
April 22 - May 22, 2011
Helena Davis Gallery
Artist Statement
My book design and process harks back to an earlier time. Following in the tradition of the Arts and Crafts printing movement, I hand craft extremely limited book runs using hand-set letterpress type and high quality paper and ink. My background is in graphic design and I have tried to take my research in typographic and layout design principles and apply them to book design in ways that are both visually and historical interesting. Drawing from the masters of printing of the past five hundred years, I am pushed to craft books that in their sheer tactile beauty will draw any reader, but provoke thoughtful questioning of layout and design choices from designers and other artists. Like the art printers in the late 19th century reacting to the industrial revolution, my work is in a small way a reaction to our current digital era. The divide between design and production has been happening for over one hundred years and there will always be those who wish to reunite them. I hope to keep alive the tradition and pride of the artist/craftsman.
Mark's Resume [.pdf format 41.2 KB]
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
April 22, 2011
7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Closing Artist Talk
Sunday, May 22, 2011
4 pm
Free and Open to the Public

by Mark Sarigianis