Patterns in Red Clay and White Roots, Southside, Virginia

by Kitty Johnson
April 22 - May 22, 2011
Frable Gallery
Artist Statement
Most of my summers are spent with family on Bugg's Island/Kerr Lake, on the Virginia/North Carolina border. While there, life slows down, and one becomes more observant of the smaller things in nature.
A great deal of family time is spent on the beach, watching adult children and small grandchildren. One watches the generations change and mature as well as examining the landscape.
The changing light on the red clay banks and the exposed tree roots evolves throughout the day from dull in the early afternoon to brightly lit as the sun sets. I have tried to capture the change in the light over several summers of watching these patterns.
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
April 22, 2011
7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Closing Artist Talk
Sunday, May 22, 2011
4 pm
Free and Open to the Public

by Kitty Johnson

by Kitty Johnson

by Kitty Johnson

by Kitty Johnson