Busy Work

May 27 - June 19, 2011
Helena Davis Gallery
Society constantly evolves what is presented as ideal. This is a persistent confrontation, a push and pull of the sometimes unattainable, that is dangled in the faces of eager consumers. My work questions the past and present ideas of what is deemed desirable. I am intrigued with the contrast of yesterday�s compliance with today�s strikingly similar version, especially in regards to women. I investigate the painful strive for perfection or the reality of a disfiguration.
My materials, everyday objects such as cassette ribbons or photographs, are turned into props to showcase either discrepancies or similarities that time has revealed. I cherish the tangibility of fibers and enjoy the hands on approach of processing the medium from start to finish. Currently, I enjoy the contrast between the thick hand felted wool and delicate lines of embroidery. Obtaining the raw animal hair, cleaning it myself, and then hand felting the wool gives me a closer connection with my material. In utilizing traditional techniques in a contemporary manor or by learning newer and advancing technologies in this field, I am thirsty to learn all facets and possibilities available to me through textiles. I feel that an idea or inclination should not be limited by the restricted to the knowledge of a medium.
I feel that having such a direct involvement with my material from beginning to end enhances the connection I have with the subject matter I wish to address. Through the breadth of possibilities textiles opens up, I strive to show that while an ideal can be beautiful, a process can be ugly or painful.
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
May 27, 2011
7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Closing Artist Talk
Sunday, June 19, 2011
4 pm
Free and Open to the Public
