Vulnerability's Groom

Blood Disease
January 23 through February 22
Main Gallery
Artist Statement
The Following body of work deals with HIV and some of the feelings and emotions that one goes through while dealing with a positive diagnosis. HIV affects millions of people a year, yet there is a stigma that goes along with being an HIV positive person. This stigma can cause a person to feel shame, fear, and a number of other negative feelings.
People with HIV are not always treated with the dignity they deserve or with a spirit of brotherhood. This work expresses the negative feelings one feels when diagnosed with HIV due to society's rather grim view on the disease. The general public as a whole does not understand the disease and are still uneducated about it. From the looks to the whispers, it can be a very traumatic experience. This work exists as a documentary dealing with the many different feelings people with HIV experience. What the viewer is confronted with is a first hand look at what it can be like to deal with the disease. I have created this work in hopes of educating those who look at HIV positive people with a negative view. It is not a gay disease, it is not a straight disease, nor is it a black or white disease, it is a disease anyone can get.
Shane Booth
Shane Booth grew up on a farm in Nebraska outside of a town of 380 people named Wilcox were he attended 5th-12th grade. Booth graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan with a BA in art and received an MFA in photography from Savannah College of Art and Design. Booth is currently a professor of art at Fayetteville State University and has shown work all across the country from California to Atlanta. In 2001 Booth was awarded honorable mention in Photographer's Forum Best of College Photography Annual and has received many awards in photography competitions. Booth has received several grants and most recently was awarded a $5000 grant to go to Ethiopia and work with children living with and orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Booth's latest publication was a photo essay in Georgia Magazine on a Confederate Christmas.

Attack Mode

Blinded by Prayer

Courting Death
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
January 23, 7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public

At the Gates of Humility


Ignorance Wears a Pointy hat #1

I'm Here

In Death's Grasp


Losing Myself

Terror's Clutch