
Reverse (Reverse)
20" X 20" $400
January 23 through February 22
Helena Davis Gallery
Übergänge (Transitions)
After near complete destruction by allied forces during World War II, Berlin remained a divided city of world power "Sektoren" until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The Transitions that have taken place since 1945 are evident in the rebuilt structures, the graffiti that adorns their walls, and remnants of the Berlin Wall. I would like to thank Jane Vaught for the invitation and inspiration to share time in this, her beloved city. We walked the streets together and some days, I walked them alone. This body of work only provides a suggestion of what Berlin is today. I hope you will want to see more.
-- Martin McFadden, LRPS
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
January 23, 7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public

Das Geld (The Money)
20" X 20" $400

Parkbank (Park Bench)
20" X 20" $400

Übergänge (Transitions)
20" X 20" $400

Stadtentwicklung (Urban Affairs)
20" X 20" $400

Viele Farben (Many Colors)
20" X 20" $400

Berlin Mauer Heute (Berlin Wall Today)
20" X 20" $400

Berlin Mauer 1989 (Berlin Wall circa 1989)
20" X 20" $400

Frieden (Peace)
20" X 20" $400