Amidst the Strangeness and Charm:
Selected Works 2001-2007

January 25 through February 17
Main Gallery
The initial intent of my work has always been to produce an interesting image that will draw people to it, or at the very least be difficult to ignore. I try to create works that will be appealing on multiple levels, paintings that are still visually striking even if the subtext is difficult to fathom.
I've found that if I start the creative process with a clear-cut statement or concept that the end product ends up looking like a hackneyed political cartoon, its message as subtle as a hammer blow to an egg. Instead, I simply paint what looks right to me, with the results being as unaffected by deliberate thought � apart from motor skills and color theory � as possible; in most cases the meaning reveals itself either during the piece�s creation or after it�s finished.
One could argue that I am simply "reverse engineering" in this manner, affixing significance to the work retroactively instead of it being intrinsic, but I like to believe that it was always there to begin with, lurking subconsciously like a half-buried emotion yet still guiding my brush with its invisible hand.
Born and raised in central New Jersey, William Waggoner has been able to turn his self-taught talents for art into a sustainable career path when forays into other vocations proved unfulfilling. After receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Boston's Emerson College, William worked in the Los Angeles film industry before returning to the East Coast, where he currently resides.
William's work is notable for its eye-catching compositions and bold use of colors, displaying an urbanistic Pop Art and abstract style rich with enigmatic imagery and dynamic action. His work is currently held by private collectors in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Nashville, St. Louis, and Besan�on, France.
In addition to a fine arts career, William is also the owner and creative director of Studio Alpha Design, a commercial arts design agency located in Hunterdon County, New Jersey.
February 17th, 4:00 pm
artspace presents
an Artist Talk with Exhibiting Artists
William Waggoner and Belinda Haikes
Free and Open to the Public
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
January 25, 7-10 pm
Featuring music by Classical Encounter
and hors d'�uvres by DeeVa's Delights Custom Catering
Free and Open to the Public