Subversive Uses/Unconscious Intentions
Collages and Oil Pastels
September 26 through October 19
Helena Davis Gallery
We constantly decode visual information. It�s why we don�t fall down stairs.
Lines, edges, shapes and shadows tell us where to put our foot down.
I use 2-dimensional visual information found in the reams of paper we page through as 21st Century consumers.
The images are reminiscent of their original intention but are unmoored in my vibrant and sensuous collages and oil pastels.
Cut away (literally cut by hand) from the original context, the resulting visual fragments, lines, edges, shapes and shadows, are free to tell a different story. The visual information is the same but not complete. The viewer is not sure, when taking a step into this vision, where their foot will land. Moving around in this visual space is unsettling but rewards the viewer with quirky transitions and a unique balance of color and weight that ultimately reveal an interior calm.
"Few people have the imagination for reality." -- Goethe
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
September 26, 7-10 pm
Featuring music by "Rattlemouth"
at 8:00 pm
Free and Open to the Public
Sunday, October 19 4:00 pm
artspace presents
an Artist Talk with Exhibiting Artists
Free and Open to the Public