Composite Photographs
Photo Collage

All Cars Have Been Wrecked 2008
Photo Collage
October 24 through November 23
Main Gallery
Artist's Statement:
My work is primarily formalist in approach, in that I am typically more interested in the formal aspects of a photograph (lines, shapes, colors, textures, etc.) and in the materialness of the art object than in the specific subject matter. Nearly all of my photographic work involves assemblages of multiple original images. Working with grids and multiple images allows me to expand the language of still photography beyond the limitations of single-frame imagery. I have been exploring the various possibilities of "the composite photograph" for about 20 years.
For the past four years, I have been making square composite photographs which each include some color and some B&W component original photographs. I've made more than 60 of these square assemblages, with no obvious anticipated end of the series in sight. In most cases, the component parts of these square composite photographs were photographed years and perhaps many miles apart, and the reasons for the completed assemblages are primarily formal and aesthetic, but also may relate to subject matter and potential content. Fragmentation of the subjects in the early stages of the work (while photographing) allows for interpretative reconstruction in the late stages of the work (during editing, assemblage and presentation).
I'm still shooting all my original images on film, in a variety of formats, and have yet to use any digital cameras for original image capture. I use steel staples to assemble the composites and also to add physical elements and real texture. Often my artworks are about photography itself and the various options and decisions explored while photographing, editing, printing, and assembling.
(David Underwood, 2008)
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
October 24, 7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public
with music by Tripp Johnson and Dave Shiflett
Artist Talk
Sunday, November 23, 4 pm
Free and Open to the Public

Complex Structure 2008
Photo Collage