
Begging Woman
June 27 through July 20
Frable Gallery
All photographers develop areas on interest over their careers. My primary interest is people. Some photographers like to approach people and ask to take their picture and them to pose them. I like to catch people unaware. That is when they most reveal who they are. If you ask to photograph them and to pose them, you can't capture who they are. Most of you will understand this because as soon as you see the camera pointed at you your expression changes as we always like to put our best face forward!
When I am do street photography, I select a place that I can watch for interesting people without being observed by them. Because, once again, if they see me and my camera they pose and I don't capture who they are. Some photographers seek bizarre subjects and some seek to exploit people in embarrassing situations. I try not to do either. I merely want to see who they are as they go about their daily routine.
Several of the photographs are of street beggars. I am not out to elicit pity, but to see how they blend into the street scene. People pass them by without appearing to notice. Most of the beggar scenes were shot in Italy. This is a relatively affluent country with a large immigrant population which does not share the affluence of the "promised land" to which they came with high expectations.
Other street portraits are of older individuals being taken on their daily outings by family members and friends who care about these elder citizens. Others are people with open and interesting faces.
I hope that you also will become an observer of people in their street environment as it is a truly fascinating pastime.
Catherine D. Johnson
Opening Reception Fourth Friday
June 27, 7-10 pm
Free and Open to the Public

Begging Man


Italian Girl

Red Hat